Careers Hub Supports Let’s Work 2023

17 May 2023

On 4 May, The Tower Project JET Service held an event in collaboration with, Tower Hamlets Council, Central London Careers Hub, and the Prince’s Trust, aimed at students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The event, titled 'Let’s Work 2023', provided a platform for students to explore possible career pathways.

For students with SEND, finding suitable career options can often be a challenge. The ‘Let’s Work 2023’ event provided an inclusive environment that allowed students to explore their interests and interact with professionals from various industries and sectors.

The event saw participation from a range of employers including HSBC, Ocean View Café and Stagecoach, who engaged with the students and provided them with valuable insights into the labour market. Local pupils were also given the opportunity to showcase their skills and gain work experience at the event by working at a coffee station and a mocktail bar.

The Deputy Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Cllr Maium Talukdar, also attended the event to show his support for the initiative. In a statement, Cllr Talukdar highlighted the need to address unemployment in young people with SEND. He expressed his concern about the statistics from the Department for Education, which show that young people with SEND are more than twice as likely to be ‘not in education, employment or training’ (NEET) as their peers without similar barriers. He stated,

This is unacceptable and a matter of great concern.

Cllr Talukdar also expressed his commitment to ensuring that every member of the community has equal opportunities to succeed, regardless of their abilities. He noted that as the Deputy Mayor of Tower Hamlets he has made it a priority to tackle the issue of unemployment among young people with SEND, adding:

"We need to work together to create a more inclusive and accessible job market that provides opportunities for all young people."

The Tower Project is a charity organisation that provides support and assistance to individuals with disabilities, including those with SEND. The organisation is committed to empowering individuals with disabilities to achieve their goals and aspirations.

The ‘Let’s Work 2023’ event provided valuable opportunities for students with SEND to engage with potential employers and explore various career pathways. It was an excellent example of how community organisations and local authorities can work together to provide opportunities for all individuals to embark on their journey to fulfilling employment.