Preparing your students for work
Our Careers Hub helps better prepare your students for the world of work.
We do this by developing links between employers and your school/college to equip your students with the knowledge and insight needed to fulfil their potential.
Our Enterprise Coordinators provide 1:1 support to Schools and Colleges in the Careers Hub, conducting a comprehensive needs assessment against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks and co-creating a bespoke action plan for each School or College.
By joining the Careers Hub, you are showing your commitment to providing young people in London with the best possible chance of fulfilling their potential.

The benefits
Access to funded careers activities and work insight events for your students
A dedicated Careers Hub Enterprise Coordinator who will provide you with relevant support
Opportunities to test and trial new projects and approaches before they are rolled out across the country.
Strong local leadership and coordination through a local Strategic Hub Lead to help coordinate activities and build networks with your school/college
How it works
1. Enterprise Advisers
Enterprise Advisers are a business professional who comes from any industry sector or professional background.
Enterprise Advisers volunteer their time to achieve positive change in local schools and colleges. They are matched with your school/college based on your identified needs and Gatsby Benchmark priorities. They will support your school/college’s senior leadership team strategically to develop and evaluate your careers plan.
2. Employability Activities
Joining the Careers Hub will provide your school/college with access to a range of activities designed to help your students understand and prepare for the world of work.
Our Enterprise Coordinators will help create a bespoke Employability Activity Support Plan for your school/college, based on a clear understanding of your current priorities.
The plan will set out a range of employability activities designed to help improve your school/college’s performance against Gatsby Benchmarks
- Workplace visits for your students
- Careers talks
- Mock application and interview sessions
- Work placements
- Skills training and insight, including in key sectors such as STEM, construction, health and social care
Activities will be delivered in coordination with our range of associated businesses and employers, drawn from across London’s key sectors.
The Gatsby Benchmarks
Good careers guidance is defined by the eight Gatsby benchmarks:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Find out more here.